September Offers
We have some exciting offers in our Security Shop this month. With buy one get one half price on our Incidnet Report Books, 20% off our Rothco Security Lanyards and 6 for 5 on our Notebooks too!!
We have plans for more special offers in the coming months. Keep up to date buy joining us on Facebook for the lastest news.
New Product Lines
The Rothco® shipment has arrived. Only available here on the website we are adding new lines to the inventory every day this week. We are impressed by the qualitiy of Rothco's products, from Jackets to MOLLE compatible kit bags plus much more. One or two pieces have already been snapped up by the team here in the office!
Don't forget shipping is free within the UK!
Ti Toothpicks
We are very excited to be able to report that our Titanium Toothpicks will be back in stock next week!! Currently in production, there will be Polished and Striderised versions available. We really like the vivid colours brought out in the Titanium through heat treatment used to create the Striderised version.....which is your favourite?
Welcome to our new Website!
After months of hard work, days of tweeking HTML and hours of listing products, its finally here - our new website. And its here to stay!
At this point we only have a very select range of products featured but not for long, we aim to have the full range available within the next few time for our official launch!!
As well as our complete product range we will be advertising newly sourced products on the website first. With flash sales, competitons and lots of news and information we will keep you up to date with the latest in Tactical, Rescue, Medical, Security and Survival.